Chem make up lessons are the "love"!!!
6 - 8 PM!!! on next Monday! Yes people, dinner time is left out! I mean how can you deprive a growing boy like me from food!?!?! This is outrageous! Absolutely outrageous, disgusting in fact, unbelievably inhumane. Alright enough crap.
3 - 6 PM for the next two Wednesdays.
"You called me? This better be good! Feel my hatred!" - Death prophet
And because of make up lessons, i most probably might have to give drama syf a miss. It was kinda fun acting as non speaking role, never knew bai suey role need that much skill too. But who is going to replace me man? Sighs.
Chem spa on friday, innova public speaking competition on friday too. My whole day is packed, i hope i dont get too disoriented at night.
I somehow grew fond and sensitive to certain numbers and dates. Friday is one of them.

I like the cosy corner in macs. But...
I hate the chair - aint comfy
I hate the table - too small
I dont like the fact the washing area is right behind me, so occasionally someone might press the HONG! button, producing a...Never mind.
I find their TV entertainingly boring.
I dont like macdonald's food.
But service here is moderately fast.
Today i ate a plate of char siew rice for dinner. And it was served in 30 seconds. Maybe faster. How did they do it? Use their hands? Well thats what i call...FAST FOOD!
And well macs is like a 4 mins bus ride from my house? Its one of those bus rides where you wait longer for the bus than taking the bus back home. And macs just like...50m away from the bus stop?

Econs test should be fine. I mean no one is going to eat up the papers right? I did almost my best. I realised i need time maybe too much time to process the question, and think through and through before i can understand and come up with points to write on. Unfortunately this is a test, and tests have time limit.

Education resource package, looks really fun =) We are digital natives, not immigrants. Yeah i mean you know how to find and where to find my blog, so arent you a digital native?

Studies have shown sparing the rod, leads to better mental development in child.
I asked God when i read that, should i do likewise? Is it possible to spare the rod and my child turn out fine, and he said yes. On the condition I pray and listen and of course obey.
I remember comments made by a friend on sparing the rod for her kid next time.
And how she supports the fact a friend of hers receive the sparing rod treatment and turns out fine.
Well i can remember really clearly all the traumatising moments of caning, and my primary school teachers slapping me. Their faces are imprinted on my brain, oh yeah got slapped right in front of the class, how humiliating that can be? I mean i didnt just hurl a vulgarity at the teacher, i merely forgot to do my work. Violent people...sighs. And yes somehow i remember their faces really well...Oh i especially dislike teachers that picks on Christianity, they enraged me, but i look at them with a "smile".

If only Singapore's education system stop something called exams. Which is possible to happen in the near future, as we move away from the strict exam regimental.
I strongly agree that dividing kids into different strems is detrimental to their self esteem.
I strongly agree that education train conformists, especially in the sciences, while the arts train critical thinkers. Contradictory? Totally.
I think we should all be holistic individuals, yes globalisation requires that, and we cant run away from it. But being graded on a subject we are naturally weak in, isnt that a little unfair?
I strongly agree that the mainstream education system will limit the abilities of certain individuals. I agree because i never thought that the papers will ever outsmart me. I strongly disagree that results from papers prove my intelligence. I have always felt that my ideas and inspiration was never fully embraced by the education system. And i feel so for many others too.
Derrick Kwa said school is a waste of time. I have agreed, and i still agree. Of course there are advantages to it, but overall...yes its a waste of time.

The school is seriously backward in terms of information turn out rate.

I would define the internet as 1000 schools put together, but apparently there are some bad schools in here.

Want to quit school? Sorry folks, gotta continue with something called the mainstream system. Which brings us to the question, if there are 1000ppl in a country, and 1000 of them posses a degree. Then who is more special than the other? Does the degree have any more use?
Think again.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine


It came about as i typed out LOlll... when its LOLLL, but the L changed to l.
Breathes in and out. We will see about econs test tmr.

Lazy bum.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Been really enriching.
Wed - POP: Talent showcase
Thurs - Students council elections. A third of the people running for elections are gay!
Friday - Drama Syf, Lit blew me away at certain parts, Piano concert: Bach's 48. I sat through book 1 = 24. With my piano teacher beside me with a score book, which made the whole concert different. Learnt a lot =)
Friday = Lamemest day of the week...Wayne and i thought/crapped about these throughout the day...
The best way to avoid having to hand up homework...use the word HUH!?! And soon we decided to make fun of this classmate of ours who uses this word often...
Imagining interviewing him, "Heh...***** you won the Huh? Competition. How do you feel about it?"
"Huh, there is a Huh competition? Huh i didnt know leh. Huh what am i suppose to do now? I really dont know..." LOL
And in chem lecture: Chem lecturer was being "retard" by giving choices (1) (2) (1) in an mcq quiz. So we were saying number 1 is correct. "Huh which one? This one?" She points to the first (1). "Or is it this one?" Points to the second (1)
Later on we were not sure what was the answer for another question and then the whole lecture group randomly picked an answer, totally undecided. And well she said, "Wrong, you are correct!" So Wayne and i was like...Huh?!?!?! So are we correct or wrong? Then we took it a step further...
Wrong! You are correct!
Correct! You are wrong!
Imagine a teacher saying that to you, i wonder which will you pick... wrong or correct.
And then in break...we thought of whats in. So we decided to define the In-culture as...people who posses these qualities



Want to be in? Get these qualities! =)

I have been thinking about this whenever i hear the phrase give me a second...
Why is a second a second? I mean second = 2 so if a second = 2, why would they use a plural term to express a singular term/time unit? If you dont understand this...its okay. =)

Watch this people!
Musical hands - drum trio
To me its an eye opener.

9/10 for mcq in chem test =) Yay! But i still failed in the end. My concepts are there so yeah =) There was only 1 who passed the test in my class. I was one of the highest i guess.

This is the result of studying too hard for chem test. I will protect her identity =)
Erm she isnt memorising the notes by burying her head in the notes. She is actually sleeping.

Only Econs test for this whole term on monday, i hope i understand the question. Chances of passing the test = 50:50% Simply because i think its quite unpredictable for now.

Alright i will show some pictures of those who ran for council. Innova has interesting people =)

Pardon the lousy quality, mind you its from a phone. And what you are seeing is the big screen in the hall.

Can you believe this!?!?! Okay maybe you can.
I mean they even came up with such a banner for themselves!?!?! But its only a few huge ones, and erm yeah its strategically placed opposite all the stalls. I mean who would not vote for this dude when left with no apparent decision!?!?

A closer look at this hunk!

I thought this was really interesting and cute! Totally love her font and colour selection. I would say the best poster anyone in elections came up with. Simple and captivating.

This is classic. Anyway he is nice. My third vote would go to him. But too bad i only have 2.

This is ultimate of the ultimates...I mean WTH!!! I was totally amused by this. Anyway i term him as Innova's Hitler. At least he has an aura no one else has. Something commendable, but may not be widely accepted by the general population.

I was thinking of running elections before coming into innova. But i realised i can just make sure i know certain key people in council and get my ideas to them. That will be it. Because i suck at executing. And i dont want to stand at the flagpole every morning.

Random pictures for the past few weeks. Captured on my phone.

Yeah this is what my cell does when we are bored.

My cell leader made to dress up for a makeover. If i am not wrong to illustrate some point.

Yes we were singing! And look at Mr lee and Kenny's legs. Cool eh?

He is intimidated by his neighbor gorilla.

Written on a wall at a nearby HDB block from IJC.
Erm yes its written in blood. And not mine!

A smile on the egg! Its for you all readers!
Its not my omelet anyway, but it tastes good! =)

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Its frightful to note the difference in perspective leads to different consequences.
I've been looking at the people around me s attitude, perspective, and values. I remembered rushing to econs lecture this week because of an inbuilt system for not being late thanks to a friend, and due to lecturers emphasis on late comers. I was the last few, but knew that i would be left standing if i dont find a seat in time. I was spared from this frightful punishment by the chance of a few precious seconds, while everyone else who came in with me were 'shot' for their poor sense of urgency.
Point is, do these people who got punished...is it in their values to be late?

Apparently i still go with the flow. My punctuality depends on the nature of the lecture. In other words what subject is it.

I thought about it. Sometimes people do not apologise because they never saw the need to. Not because they are ignorant, but because their values and consciousness has not been violated. In their perspective they did nothing wrong. This might appear extremely offensive and rude to the opposite party who has been offended. And next to consider such a person as prideful and stubborn would simply equate to a broken friendship.
Friend if you are reading this...its just specks of my thoughts =)

I find PW an extremely subjective subject. At this point i blatantly disagree with the fact that H*a C**** WOULD award 98.2 percent of their students with As for PW. Firstly, if there are so many people getting As, then is there any more value in that A? Secondly, isnt it clear to our heads that the marking was done by the teachers there? Did not they follow a certain policy that other Junior colleges may not be adopting?
And i have conjured this theory: The rarity proves its value/quality.
So their A can equate to a C in Innova, or maybe a D. Their B would equate to a sub pass over here.
Come on, i refuse to believe Innovians are that lousy when it comes to PW. And dont tell me that everyone from H*a C**** is hardworking?
Slackers fill the plains of this green turning yellow/brown earth.
You cant run away from them.
I happen to join this movement.
Not because i socially conform, but because i agree to its ideology.
Yeah i just kinda open fire...but for now i am letting my words remain heard. But do note, my topic sentence has nothing whatsoever to do with the JCs mentioned, they are merely examples to accentuate my point.

I am a bit out of time if its coming to sumer test. I hardly complete what i set out to achieve, thats because i always fail to consider external factors, and still do, and usually aim way too big.
I still remember Mr Foo's words...Dare to dream Big. Looks like St gabs left footprints in me.

In fact one would only see the footprints in their lives left by others only when they left the place (institution), or the person is no longer in contact with you. I love st gabs teachers so much more than IJCs...

I seen how i treat girls like guys, and act 'aggressively' towards them, but thats in their opinion. Sighs...this, i believe came from St gabs. My bluntness towards certain 'sensitive' topics is still in a way left uncontrolled, or maybe...i chose to let it be uncontrolled for a few moments and then retract it back? I wonder if i will continue to be blunt. My guess is yes, just that it would be lessen.

I still prefer to think, then to do work. If only i can do work with just my thoughts instead of having to write out my thoughts, and having to go through the annoying process of convincing whoever is marking my work to accept my thoughts scribbled across the 'crushed' paper.

Wayne came up with this oxymoron today...

Flawed perfectionist.
I like this one =)

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I think i am sounding better =) Constantly Feedback the sound.

POP: Pursuit of passion, "we complete your goals" IJC talent showcase...was awesome. Not totally, because we didnt get to sit on chairs, butt hurts after that, but i was quite surprised at the quality of singing. I wasnt expecting some of the soloists to be that good. Well of course there were a lot of out of tunes too...but well it wasnt about putting up a professional performance, its about living your dream. Nanu which performed before the contestants were totally awesome!!! SARA wee is in that group! Gosh, i am going to get to know her personally in the concert VOIX II, since i am requested to be the stage manager. But i wonder if ms lim will still remember. Loll i guess she will. But gosh, Sara wee is totally awesome! =) Blown me away in Mosiac. If she has an album, i am definitely grabbing it!
I disagree with the judges judging. But oh wells.

My grades havent been looking nice. I've seriously been putting effort, rushing ahead in most of my homework, besides maths, which i have yet to fall in love with. Well i figured is not that i dont understand what i am studying, i just dont understand what the question wants, and i always answer out of the question. Its like i know how to drive, just that i drive out of the road? Or maybe the opposite direction? So yeah...i will continue studying at this pace/rate. I will eventually do well for As...

I said this to a close friend before, "The SI unit of faith is hope."
Today she reminded me of it.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I wonder why no institution has made any comments on inflation.
The whole world is plagued by it now, we are affected, no matter how ignorant we may be. And yet we are not even educated on it? Well...does education still work?

I should stop coming online so often, i need to mug!!! As in mug more. I do mug. And crap! I should somehow fall in love with maths.

I will remember WHAT YOU SAID!, "Its not about getting into the mugging mood, BUT MODE!"

I realise if i dont read my bible, i start feeling empty. Okay i knew it all along, so i shall go read mi bible now.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Sometimes i wish i am less of an idealist, and more on the elocutionist, then again, i wont have the ideas to execute. I wont really carry out crazy ideas, till i have support, till i stop being lazy, and just do it!

Chem test had a question that was totally out of this world. And well the marks were out of this world too...one question = 20 marks. I mean this is suppose to be structured question leh...not essay...Whatever. I mugged damn hard for this chapter, but i think it wont really pay off this time.

I thought about something today...

The difference between a conqueror and the conquered is that
One takes a first step and the other doesnt.

Cool eh? =)
I can just quit school and come up with such sayings, people will start quoting me...Cowshit.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I just had an awesome idea!
I dont know if i can pull it off, but it i do, i think it can be quite cool.

I would stick a piece of paper/note onto a particular canteen table, "Clap your hands loudly twice, between the time frame of 1010 - 1040, take this step of faith, and see what happens next, who knows you might get a hug, or maybe get to play my PSP for one day...once again, take this step of faith."

If i can pull this off, it will be totally rock! =)

Random: One of the greatest outing was with Chai, Lim, Car, Ian and Alex. I wish we can have that time again. It was the Love as Car puts it =)

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I think i like ever we fall. I havent really paid attention to their lyrics, but they are more of indie rock, plus alternative, a slight hint of pop rock, and kinda like Saosin. But their music can easily pass off your ears if you dont make the conscious effort to listen.

I composed the dumbest poem in my life, after service, after dinner. Its the first poem i purposely made it rhyme. This poem was inspired by Aishok, from Pre U sem, who decided to come up with this random title for his speech in boot camp...The price of rice has rise.

The price of rice,
Has rise, and I
Realise, too much
Rice will bring mice.

Then I roll the
Dice, and saw those
Mice, taking photos
Of shiny ice

I smash their ice
With one big dice
And all the mice
Peed on my rice

With one smashing dice
Pieces of ice
And no mice
Where is my rice?

Sighs, mugging can seriously be so boring, i am yearning for something more than this. I cannot imagine myself in 4 weeks of pure mugging session for myself. I want to do something cool, and interesting. Thats up to me to define. I dont want my life to be so stale, i love vibrancy, i love hype and excitement, something to look forward to. I guess i have been having too much vibrancy in the beginning of the year that i am not used to this stale pale ale smell.
Maybe too much lit makes me feel this way, anyway i am proud of my first Lit essay since SEC2, 6 page =)

God bring vibrancy, God be that vibrancy! God i want to run, i want to fly, i want to propel.

Show me, tell me, prove me, that there is so much more than this!

I just had an idea of taking lots of photos, of things around me, but i need a proper camera.
I just went to toilet 5 mins after posting this post, so this part is edited, and i thought of something called EVENT OF THE MONTH.
Yeah i thnk it sounds lame, but i'll see if i can pull it off. Event of the month is something fun i would do every month. There are ideas which i really want to carry out. But i need people to do with me...

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Watch if you are bored. And if you are interested to see something...you would never learn in school...?

No idea what is this...But it might work on the same concept as ferrofluid.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

If you give yourself reasons to fail, you will fail.
If you give yourself reasons to succeed, you will achieve.

Is it more irritating to keep asking questions, or to be the one always having to answer questions.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I have something to admit.

I am officially classifying myself as fat.

I am kind of fine with it for now, i am still confident of myself, i am not disgustingly ugly, i know i have muscles beneath those fats, and i am not chasing after any girl, for now...so its okay =)

I can literally feel the fats bulging...

Never mind.

Figure speaks louder than words.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I dont know if its a happy birthday to me...i guess not?
My legs are breaking now, i think i can sit on my sofa for an hour without doing anything.

I felt upset that i disappointed people.
I felt happy from the two precious gifts i received =) yeah that was one of the few things that i can smile for today...a cool book, and 250g of amos cookies. Both friends are greatly valued.
For those who chose to rescue my dire situation, thank you too =)
Happy that...so many people wished me happy birthdays...but i guess some recalled because of my blog, some heard from other friends, and some remembered. All are valued, and remembered.
I felt tired, because my weekend was dedicated to planetshakers and Tim Hughes, a camp, a concert.
I felt sad for those who wanted to come but cant.
I felt sad that i didnt give good directions, i am usually good at this, but waterloo was ???
I was taken aback at first by the disappointment expressed, but after some reflection...kind of agreed. Sighs...oh wells. I considered joining an acapella group in future, but i am reconsidering.
I guess i kinda love singing, but the work needed to put inside is quite tiring...
I felt melancholic as well...it wasnt the best dinner of my life, but simple and maybe clean?
I felt flustered because i was presented with the threat i cannot perform today after 3 months of work due to a technical fashion error.

I learnt a lot of stuff from Pre U sem Boot Camp. Verbal Fluency = striking
Yeah humans are narcissistic, check out all the I s up there.

I wont forget the speech given by Jim Key...Its never too late to follow your dreams. His sign language will stick in my head.

God, its been something i wanted to do for a long long time, since years ago.
Well maybe today is a good day to start. I am 18. People at my age are now allowed to smoke drink and watch porn. I will take on a different route. To respond to the...
Call to Scintillate

Start chasing :
My God
My Promise
My Dream

But again, i wonder how long can i persist. So God help me out on this k?

I would be taking on a muggers life now. But as you all know i aint that kind of person, i have crazy things i want to do, crazy ideas i want to carry out.

Off to mug, and seriously i wish i have time to write stuff down in my green book.

Start Chasing

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

During Chem SPA, i...i...i felt like crap...one of those days where you have no idea what the teacher was saying...i mean i knew the technical terms, but nothing seems to make sense. I was hungry, and i was thinking, when i add both together, i am more or less mentally handicapped.

Wayne turned to me and said, "What if i retain?" and returned to his work...
His words may have been random...but it set a really dark gloom over me.

The more i thought about it...the more...i felt...

An impending reality looming over me, fear sets in. Menacing in its nature, and cruel in its manners.

I dont want to retain due to 3 major reasons.
I've used up one year, if i retain...i would lose approximately 60000 bucks.
I dont want to feel incompetent. I know i wont be able to accept reality if i get retained. I can picture myself jumping off from the roof...and no i dont want that to happen...
And one personal underlying reason...which i will not disclose.

Its a good and bad thing that my brain is quite saturated with what i want to achieve for A levels.

Uncontrolled fear leads to impaired hearing of Gods word.

I'm giving up my dream for H3, i rather use my time for other stuff, like doing the crazy stuff i have been thinking of...
I am now convinced by Jill, "...in Innova, to get straight A s consistently is more than the norm."
Agent HH, showed the class the stats for this years results, totally disgusting...and by the looks of it...lets not talk about it...lets just mug yeah?

For those who have been pressurizing me for this week, yes it paid off.

Two quotes hit me hard for this week...
"If your life is worth living, it is worth recording."
"If you do not own the show, the show will own you."

I dont expect a lot from a birthday, but i guess it will be the turning point of this year...a goodbye to my happening life and a greeting to a focused mugging life. I have a lot of wishes in my life now, most can only be achieved in the next decade of my life, i guess i think far, and yes in ambitious leaps...

My God
My Promise
My Dreams

But one wish stood out amongst the rest...shining? Stark in its outright nature? But it sure isnt frivolous...in fact rather haunting...at least for now. I've been wondering should i keep it...or let go of it? I've reached a decision a few weeks ago, but i guess it isnt a decisive one...because it isnt settled.
I learnt having to keep my wishes and dreams kept to a minimal is a challenge to me.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I just finished final draft for PI. Totally love it. 500words filled to the brim =)
I am glad Blogger never set word limits.
I guess it was gay combining Plan A into PlanA. I reduced 1 word count =) I hope examiners dont consider spelling errors =)

It seriously looks nice to me =)

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I watched Super Size Me.
I didnt want to blog this week till sunday, but the documentary was Mmm...
Just watch it.
I know i am slow on the show considering the fact its been out like 4 years ago?
But reading too much of GP stuff...makes me want to watch it...so yeah i did.

I think i am starting to fall in love with GP, maybe i already did.

Last bit of PI.
Looks decent to me =)

How i wish they allowed more words for the bloody word limit.

I discovered a new way to describe myself...CT did some fortune telling...and well hate to admit it...he is kinda right...i am...Multi dimensional...yeah thats the word...at the same time, indecisive, but that aint all the time, but when it comes to anything relating to my emotions...most probably.

Thank you...guess i enjoyed the convo =)

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I am thinking, about studies...i just raised my eyebrow. And laughed at that happening. Raised it again.

The oncoming week, will be one that is insane.
I have Vocal rehearsal on thursday, at the waterloo...
Planetshakers on friday, i have tickets, anyone wants them? Please i am dying to give them out, poor souls out there are begging for it. I hope no one is selling tickets due to shortage in supply.
I have Pre U sem boot camp on sat and sun, 10 - 5, crap missing service again.
Concert at 2 - 6, but of course going earlier to rehearse and all...so that leaves me with about 5 hours to celebrate my birthday on sunday.

I dont like birthday songs, because i have to just stand down there and listen to all the out of tune notes. I dont mind an in tune birthday song this year =)

The clash of events is irritating.
I did CIP yesterday, i still dont agree with flag days.
I missed sermon yesterday, heard they were all blown away, but i guess i still received quite a fair bit from cell discussion on sermon. And cell leader drew up 4 pages of Concept maps, linking back to the issue studies.

The two songs i will be singing, yes pathetically two, but its okay...alumni has standard...
Its so hard to say goodbye to yesterday
In the still of the night

Back to final push for PI.
God give inspiration.

God Please sustain me.
I know you will =)

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I always imagined myself armed with a pen and a piece of paper. I can scribble wonders across it.
If i have the aptitude, draw captivating pictures.

I analysed 6 poems the past hour, wrote a poem in 7 mins. Chat on msn, smsed, listened to an emo song from This Day And Age - All We Thought We Could
Guess my lit has improved a lot over the past 3 months, something i can smile about =)

And breathed...
Yeah i like breathing

I just have a sudden thought: Is liking lit one of the requirements i have for my future wife? At least understand lit.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I was questioned today, what is the difference between

Intellectually Intelligent And
Intelligently Intellectual

Intelligent: Showing sound judgment and rationality
Intellectual: Rational rather than emotional.

In my opinion!
Intelligence expresses capacity.
Intellectual expresses capability.

Capacity = How fast you understand a given information.
Capability = How much you are able to question the given information, and push it further.

One thing we can conclude, anyone who is able to fathom this is intelligent, anyone who can come up with something similar is intellectual, though however the answer is not bounded by definitions alone, instead by subjectivity and varying perspective.

I did a research i always wanted to...
I hope readers would not change their perspective of me...Because
Given the curios me, always (i mean usually) wanting to know the cause behind an effect
Went to find out some stats on porn industry... (I am keeping my faith here, gosh, i am such a risk taker, being such a ______ cause i guess its sensitive when it comes from a guy...)
And found a few interesting facts...at least to me =)

Every 39 minutes a new adult video is made in US.
Daily pornographic search engine requests = 68 million (25% of search engine requests)
Average age of first internet exposure to pornography = 11
9.4 million women accessing to adult websites each month
As of July 2003, there were 260 million pages of porn online, an increase of 1800% since 1998. Porn amounts to about 7% of the 3.3 billion pages indexed by Google.

Excessive Porn viewing is one of the factors that lead to divorce.
Recent statistics suggest that 50% of all marriages will end in divorce.

I'll make sure mine doesnt end up one of the fifty%.

I am sorry if you my readers have felt a sudden sense of depression setting in on you, but oh well...thats the bleak and sad world we live in. Then again, it just proves the bible to be true...

Well...here is a site on jokes...Cheer up! And try to laugh even if its not funny...

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine


I went to Chapter 2 today =) Its a new chapter to begin with for my hair!

Student price at 23.50. It was worth a try =) yes i came out beaming with joy. But the qualification of those who works in Chapter 2, and those who works at a nearby saloon of your house, are the same. They all originate from ITE, no i am not being an ass, they really went there to learn how to cut hair. And only ITE conduct such courses =) ITE rocks, if not for ITE do you think we would have nice hairstyles to look at?

I totally look gay, no idea why my skin is thick enough to put this photo up, but yeah thats my chapter 2 hair =) Its nothing like the hair of Jesus, but i guess its just the satisfaction you get when you try something new. I am planning to keep my hair till July, yeah i know i will look ugly, with hair that makes me look like i am wearing helmet. But i'll consider =)

4 visits to the polyclinic in 4 months. Given a stack of calcium pills to cry over. Stack =
2 months exclusion from PE and Track =( no running, my stamina is going to be crap, it is already. I am going to go gym for PE lessons...will ask teach on that. Hope i dont end up with a gargantuan chest, strong enough to deflect bullets.

I am on crappy mood today, because PI has driven me...out of sanity =) IJC is seriously INSANE junior college when it comes to deadlines on PI, we are ahead of other JCs like... 3 weeks?

Oh i was out with Adam =) thanks dude for the accompaniment on Chapter 2, in for Chapter 3?

Isnt the straw pointing at Adam's tiny mole? Yeah he has one there, trust me =)

I made a discovery today, i like girls that have nice cheeks =) they will most probably end up as my eye candies. As Wayne puts it...kissable cheeks...but erm...okay...
And Adam bluntly puts it as...they having Paos in their cheeks...Loll...but i think they look cute =)

Okay getting so superficial...but oh wells...I want to eat sushi!

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

And i talked to God.

He asked me a very simple yet thought provoking question.
"Son, would you choose me over your grades? Are you willing to let go of your 4As, and get 4Bs instead? But you will be able to proudly proclaim, "I walked with God in these two years." Son which will you choose?"

My final answer will remain known only to God and me.

I guess the older we grow, the easier it is to lose our walk with God, yet it can be easier to stay even closer to God, because we seen too much, and we know we need God all the more.

The most important thing about growing up, is to not forget who you were. Dont lose yourself...
Because when that happens, it takes quite sometime, sometimes forever to find it back...

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Joey Just Wants

God to be in his life

Links (Entities)

*Abby Cheng
*Adam Aw
*Alex Lam
*Amanda Teo
*Cheryl Tan
*Cheryl Llim
*Charmaine cheang
*Eunice Lim
*Evan Ong
*Geraldine Chang
*Hao Sheng
*Hui Ting
*Jolynn Wong
*Jolyn Lim
*Jolyne Tan
*Joshua Sho
*Khong Sheng

Pete Tong
*Rachel Chai
*Rachel Chong
*Rachael Lim
*Rachel Yong
*Rui Kang
*Stacey Kho
*Natalie Yeo
*Wei Ming
*Vanessa Tan
*Yuen Yee
*Yuen Yee *New
*Ian's Flickr
*Esther's Flickr
*Misplaced Friend
*I Wrote This For You
*Smiles in Poverty
*Vintage, Music and Photos

Kibitz In This Chat Box!



Time Frames Transcending Beyond This Current Moment

July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010

Take control of the atmosphere
Take me far away from here
There is no better loss than to lose myself in you
In a parachute to glide, I am captive in your sky
Surrender has somehow become so beautiful

Its such a beautiful surrender

Move me up through the darkest clouds
Till I've lost in the sun every shadow of doubt
There is no better find than to find myself with you
In a fog you are all I see
I'm inviting you closer with each time I breathe
Surrender has somehow become so beautiful