Q and A is enough to Kill and Annihilate.

My group mates are starting to turn crazy, singing songs that are plain irritating when you are trying to crack your brain on whatever s at hand.
I wonder how does other groups enjoy their time together. I had fun with my group mates, but now that most have turned crazy...oh wells.

I wonder if IJC pushed us too hard, or our resilience is just too low?

Having to type each Q and A answer is equivalent to a short essay.

Once again, my mother tongue is made to take a back seat.
My parents and Chinese teacher stand in wonder why do we slog so hard over PW, and neglect Chinese. Is it time management?
I am not sure of the answer myself.

One word: Dementia


There are some things i just find it too hard to let go.
If i let go of it totally, i have simply led myself to deny my 17 years of existence, and only embrace the 18th year.


God s grace is always sufficient.
It extends beyond your imagination.
It transcends all human comprehension.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I am coming clean here and now.

I dont feel i am in control of my life.
I know God suppose s to be in cotnrol, i am suppose to surrender...
What i really meant is...i cant do the things i want to do.
I still have school for 7 more days, and i have to rush for Chinese and OP.
I am struck with disbelief that i have school tmr.
I have many dreams, and wishes i want to fulfill this holiday, i am left powerless to do so at the current moment.

I implore all who are in their hols, please make full use of it!
Do the things you want to do with your life.
Bring glory to God.
Even if you are stuck at home, there are interesting things to do!

I implore all, please do not throw time away, its the best gift God gave.
If not for time, life cant be formed.
Through God s time, all things are created =)

I have I and R to complete, but i am reluctant to start, i rather sort my thoughts first.
I have 3 chinese papers to do.
An assessment book i bought for myself to start.
Dreams to dream and fulfill.


For all the times, we think we've grown and change, i implore all to look from a different angle.
God repeatedly teach us the same lessons, dealing with the issues we struggle with time and again.
We are left to question, 'God i thought i am done and over with this issue?'.
The reason is simple, God has just thought us how to deal with the same issue on a deeper level.

I thought i grew, i thought i am grown up, i was wrong.
I still find myself left with much to learn.
I am afraid i have not learned enough to minimise the hurts i might inflict on my future partner.
Then again with such thoughts, i will never delve into intimacy again would i?

I thought i knew much when i was 16, the next two years, totally torn down that mindset.
According to mathematical induction, i would learn even more the next few years.


Biennale was a disturbing arts exhibition.
I sat down for dinner and claimed i wont go back for the second time, i saw disappointment struck Wayne s face.
Now, i am reconsidering my statement.
I love the salt desert video.
Even though it was rather surreal, and most surreal stuff brings out the creeps in me.
80% of the stuff i saw was disturbing, even though their theme this year was WONDER.
Anyway, Google earth exhibit was the most personal and interactive exhibition.

There are many mind blowing concepts in Biennale.


After many days of OP preparation, we resort to such mindless yet striking activities.
We played Frisbee in class =)
I love the ideas =)

Gavin, believe me, this wasnt my idea.


I need to do something to the music i am feeding my ears.
I am starting to be extremely picky to the art i allow myself to submerge in.
I no longer take in good art, i take in edifying art.


I started my white board concept, its apt in many cases.
Where visual communication work so much stronger than verbal.

I've been exploring many ideas, but never have the chance to do it.
I want to play with
There s more.
I cant put them in point form.

Life is beautiful, when i put God in the picture.
I hereby give God the credit for creating the following entity: Inspiration
Which i have in abundant, at least to me =)


I am beat, i will find a way to complete it all.
God s grace is sufficient =)
In that i put my trust.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine


Believe me, this was taken in Singapore.


A spark of inspiration, someone?


I love the emotion.


Insurmountable odds

For those who feel they are the white pawn.
Know Who is The One playing the chess.
Victory is promised, and sealed with His blood.


The christian walk is not one of comfort, but filled with troubles.
Not one of rationalism, but one of faith.
When all logic fails, faith prevails.

Suffering is not from the devil.
God uses suffering to rid us of all the fleshy desires within us, and cause us to rely on His strength.
This would then allow his blessings to flow.

Humble and contrite spirit, anyone?


This was a revelation to me.
God purposely placed people around us to mould us.
One name stood out from the rest.
God used this name to mould my character and life to a boundless extent.
This name is treasured.


Saturday was an emotional night.
The news was dropped, tears flowed, people wept, and the strongest amongst us, has his face wet with tears.
Our cell leader stepped down.
I guess, there was a lot of emotional attachment, almost everyone cried.
I was made to think about pasir ris cell, if they did cry for me.
The last time i went back, they still asked me when would i come back to church...
My answers are not enough to satisfy.


Monday, 10/27/08
10 am, City hall mrt.
Control station.
End time: ?

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I miss people.
I miss being liberated.
I miss many many people.
There is a list of people whom i want to go out with, but i cant.
I feel indebted to go out with them, not so much that i owe it to them, but i owe it more to myself.

There is a list of places i want to go, and the most desperate of them all is Biennale.
I miss airport. I've been going there on so many weekends, and now i dont really go.

I miss hanging out with my clique (In school), all of us are separated by PW.
Even if i sit beside Wayne and Khong Sheng during Chinese, we largely remain silent as we scribble on furiously.

I miss Frisbee.

I miss you, the reader. (I will look at your face before i verify this statement again)

I miss God most of all.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

PW is seriously ticking me.
It is starting to get really sickening, till the point, you want nothing to do with it.
Its a horrible condition to be in, since i will be standing for the exam in about 2 weeks time.

Today i considered, i have practically helped the entire class in their project work.
Candice group = Photo taking for her pilot test (Small matter)
Amerah (plus colour wheel) and Jze Sing group, for SWOT analysis. (Idea koped by teach, from me)
Yu Hui group, giving feedback on their presentation itself.
My group is just my group.

Dont ask why all the group leaders are females.

I declare myself inundated.
I hate the idea that PW is so heavily emphasised that MT is neglected.
I cant start on MT revision because PW is still taking up a lot of time.
Time management is one thing, time allocation is another.
There will be points in your life where you are left with 4 hours to complete 4 tasks.
It is not possible to give quality work, unless you sacrifice sleep, compromise your next day's mental energy, or you are just superman/woman.

It is nice to note, my voice put people to sleep not because it is boring, but because it is soothing, according to a classmate.
Oh, my CT fell asleep while i was presenting, interesting to see my CT sleep while i present, got a feeling how it is like being a teacher for a short 30 seconds?
Or partly.
And too bad, i kept staring at him, i was still unable to get his attention.
I am quite sure i raised my voice when i saw him sleeping.
I lost conviction, because everyone looked so bored.

For once, i am able to declare all my group members are in a potential state of ticking me off.
Extremely ticked by my classmates now.


On a brighter note. Here s something.
They speak for themselves.
Click on them, if they are too soft to be heard.


I will try to keep my smile.
I will keep my smile, because God is still with me.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I lied on my bed and thought if Gp ever came up with the following question i will flunk it.

Discuss the effects of being a small nation, in the context of Singapore.

Its an uber small world i live.
Adam Aw knows Gavin Ler, family pig in my clique.
Adam Aw has a really good friend called Stacie-Ann Tan, who is in his choir, which is an uber good friend of Nats'.
Edwin knows my primary school classmate (There is a difference between classmate and friend).

Nat if you are wondering who Adam is, be is the red shirt dude, on the right.

I have thick lips =)
Anyone needs a kiss?
From Adam?


I wonder how many more discoveries are going to be made.

My connections are way too wide.


I learnt about surrender yesterday.

God knows what He is doing in my life.
If He wants me to promote, He will find a way to do it.
I've seriously mug till my brains explode, till i can vomit out the content.
I didnt do well, but yeah it was a humbling experience.
It was total surrender, knowing that i will only promote through His grace, and not by my strength.
It is the only exam, where my stakes are stacked twice.
Hence, i guess God purposely used this exam to teach me some really important lessons.
I am glad i learnt it.
Total surrender.


Cellmates randomly came over to my house last night.
Played Frisbee on tennis court, tennis court style.
Played Frisbee in the swimming pool, pebble throw.
The only Frisbee throw i see the Frisbee skittles through water, absolutely gorgeous.
Next the Frisbee is thrown into a thick, really thick bush.
I will find a way to redeem it later.

Project mates coming over in about 4 hours?


To all O students, Rock on.
And when you reach A level standards, O s look puny.
So dont worry too much about it, but just dont be complacent.
Complaceny is the number 1 killer.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine


do not deny yourself freedom.


Photos speak volumes.

It is a portal to trigger your imagination.
Each individual enters the same portal (looks at the same photo) and finds a different imagination.

is its nature.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Photos evoke emotions.
I browsed through them, and its en entity i cannot deny.
Its a time frame, a moment, an experience, shared by you and whoever was with you.

And through time, their significance either dwindles or strengthens.

There are many significant characters in my life whom i am not able to find photos of.
There are too many names.
But here are some unavoidable names...
Alex Tee, Joshua Sho, Adam and Thia (I dont have pictures of your on this desktop), Abel, and a few others.
Please, they are not ranked, and they all come from very diverse backgrounds.

98% of the following photos are taken from Facebook.
I only saw 99% of them today.
Amanda Lim is crowned champion for putting up so many albums.

There are some photos i look at now, i think about the times i shared with these people, and how i lost the intimacy i used to have with them.
I think about how much I've changed since then.
I think about all the times we shared, and nostalgia kicks in.

Sometimes, when you look at photos, where you have been there.
You recall the sounds you hear then, you recall how it feels like to be there.
This is the value of a photo.


Readers please feel free and easy about this post.
There will only be certain parts that interest you.
And i am doing a brief summary of my entire teenage life.

There are many grammar mistakes through out this post.
I am too lazy to change it.


If photos mean so much to me, and so does God, I definitely would like to take a few pictures with Him.
I am sure I will get my photos printed in heaven =)


The following photo is awarded the best photo of the minute.

Check out the composure, lighting, setting, colours, and the enthralling smile.
Love the sun at the top left corner.
I cant say any more, it just looks awesome.

To my childhood friend, Nat Yeo.
It may not be a lot, but for the times we interacted this year, you always make me smile.
I hope you feel the gratitude and appreciation.
And i wont forget that defining day in Vivo.
Black book =)

Nat does the same dance in front of another tree.

She tries to outgrow the tree.
Reach for the stars!
Ops, its not even night yet.

She has got the dancing bug jumping in her!
Somehow she looks really tall here.
Hee hee.

Now Nat is yelling her lungs out at me for writing such comments on her photos.

Camp comm
A journey to difficult to forget, and too much to remember.
It was tough, but God did a lot in my life through this committee.

I didn't save other CC photos from Facebook, so yeah.
Its quite badly taken, i think i purposely blocked certain faces.
I forgot whats the theme.

I have a feeling this photo is taken by Joshua.
I shall not comment, its still a beautiful photo anyway.

To Janel
At this moment, I'll offer what you offered through this photo.
A smile.
A sincere and genuine smile.

Yes i have wrinkles on my forehead.
Had them since p3.
I was deep in thought till i got interrupted.

To Jolynn on the far right, its been uber long since i talked to you.
Even though you mug at a school so near my house, i never got to have a meal with you.
We used to discuss a lot about cell.
The journey was made much more bearable because of you.
Thanks =)

Was Ronald trying to say a joke?
Yes that was the questoin i was trying to ask.
Vietnam joke?

Love this shot.

To Cheryl Tan
For the little times we conversed, most were remembered.
Trust me, you were one of those who made the journey in camp comm bearable too.
With much appreciation and gratitude =)

The conspiracy act.
The emo session i had.

Got a feeling this shot is taken by Josh again.
Realise the books are more focused than Ronald?
But nice composition.

To Ronald
For all the times we talked too, it is highly valued.
You are the first person in my life, Josh too, to see me literally lose my head.
Screaming on the streets and not bothering about what the public might think of me.
Your responses made a huge difference, i know you did your best, i was just too difficult for you then i guess.
But it seriously is appreciated.
And the stay overs, thanks a million.
To Ming Wei, thanks a billion.
(I get a personal bathroom, a queen size bed all to myself, for staying at Ming Wei s house. Sounds better than a hotel)

Ronald tries to think.
He wonders if he succeeds in accomplishing this feat.

No, he is filled with anguish!
Why cant i think!?


I was once an usher.
I moved on since then.
This was koped from this years ushers camp.

Vox Astra

Fine i had a bad hair day.
I am no longer that plump, lost 5 KG since then.

To Jill
For all your whining sessions, its interesting to hear.
The grinding machine.
You did break some mentalities in me on the academic aspect.
I will not forget you for giving me a surprise on your birthday itself.
Telling me its your birthday.
The date is just too...
Here s a smile for you =)
Thanks for certain encouragement that continues ringing in my head.
Some did actually forced me to think positively while mugging for mid course.
"Don't give up!"

This is the only picture, which so happens to be not so glamorous, i have of you on desktop.

To Car
I've stood by and watch you grow through out this year.
I will tell you more next time through a letter.

To Chai
I don't have to tell you how much i appreciate you.
You should know.

Oh come on?
There is no need to be angry.

To Rae
For the times i spoke into your life, i know God will continue the work.
God will keep holding onto your hand, so smile yeah?
And thanks for all the time i get to tease you.
Makes my day brighter too.

My Classmates

The following bunch of people, are the human beings i meet from Monday to Friday, on a weekly basis.
My life is made more interesting by them.
And some more vexed.

All these photos are taken from the perspective of a highly random girl, Candice.
Its quite different to see the same event, with a different camera.

This photo exists on my blog, because her smile is nice.
I've got nothing more to add.

I was trying to understand the structure of the stem, when they took this picture.
Mr Lim is standing behind.
There is this blue balloon we found during teacher s day.

It is a twisty photo!

He is below 30.
I shall make no effort to insinuate anything further.

This is the shirt i wear to play frisbee.

Jia Yun tries to run like flash.

Ask Arvin (The dude below) why i posted this photo.


The face nearer to you, Yu Ting, is my group member for PW.
Thanks for your tolerance, patience, and no thank you for thrashing out on the keyboard when i am doing WR, or slides.
Her smile and laughter never fails to make my daybrighter.


I wished i had the chance of spending more time with this awesome bunch of people.
Honestly, i feel detached, i lead a rather different life, but yet i speak their lingo.
It may just be the only outing i mange to join so far after so many times, but i enjoyed it thoroughly.

Ian, impales a carrot?

Joshua tries to enlarge his lips without paying a single cent for plastic surgery.

Section 377A forbids that!

Aren't they just cute?


Are these the people whom you tell me about?
Stacey on the far right.
And i forgot her name, the one on the far left asked you how to switch on a mac book?
Is the Caucasian the one whom you feel compassionate towards?
Tell me the next time we kibitz

Yes, Stacey loves you.
Isn't your muffin on your shirt like flattened?

Pre U sem reunion

Its amazing how 5 days can bring a group of people together.
We all are busying our lives away, but we are goign to meet on the last week of nov again.


Janelle proclaims a message.


To Jocelyn. (The far left)
Thanks for accompanying me to get the withdrawal form for poly.
We may converse very little, but for the advice, tips, and the bit you share your life with me, thanks a lot.
I remember quite a large portion of them.

A clearer picture of her.

My Skate life

This was when i was 14.
I think its one of the skinniest phases of my life.
I've stopped skating for very long.
But having the wind on your face, and feeling the ground as the wheels move forward, just feels awesome.

I dont know how high it was.
But Justin smiled.


Look at the 4 of them.
My brother is the brown shirt dude.

If only 3 of them are in there, then the one taking the photo is most probably my brother.
They positioned themselves behind the man who sleeps.
Wait, then who took the previuos photo?
I think is the man asleep over here.

Kenneth, the one awake, was the one who inspired me to skate.

To my only brother

Kor, thanks for being my Kor.
(The one with the watermelon on his head)


Photos speak volumes.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Joey Just Wants

God to be in his life

Links (Entities)

*Abby Cheng
*Adam Aw
*Alex Lam
*Amanda Teo
*Cheryl Tan
*Cheryl Llim
*Charmaine cheang
*Eunice Lim
*Evan Ong
*Geraldine Chang
*Hao Sheng
*Hui Ting
*Jolynn Wong
*Jolyn Lim
*Jolyne Tan
*Joshua Sho
*Khong Sheng

Pete Tong
*Rachel Chai
*Rachel Chong
*Rachael Lim
*Rachel Yong
*Rui Kang
*Stacey Kho
*Natalie Yeo
*Wei Ming
*Vanessa Tan
*Yuen Yee
*Yuen Yee *New
*Ian's Flickr
*Esther's Flickr
*Misplaced Friend
*I Wrote This For You
*Smiles in Poverty
*Vintage, Music and Photos

Kibitz In This Chat Box!



Time Frames Transcending Beyond This Current Moment

July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010

Take control of the atmosphere
Take me far away from here
There is no better loss than to lose myself in you
In a parachute to glide, I am captive in your sky
Surrender has somehow become so beautiful

Its such a beautiful surrender

Move me up through the darkest clouds
Till I've lost in the sun every shadow of doubt
There is no better find than to find myself with you
In a fog you are all I see
I'm inviting you closer with each time I breathe
Surrender has somehow become so beautiful