
Are you tired?

Yeah sort of.

Face each and every day with a smile. You will feel less tired, and more energised. You will find that life is more beautiful than we perceive. Give more credit to life, because it deserves it.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

The maths God uses is simply amazing, brilliant, stunning, beyond comprehension, and breath taking.

As i slogged through my maths holiday assignment which is obviously overdue, i felt defeated.
A sense of failure rushed its tides against my confident shore.

I created some room for God to speak, and He reminded me that the maths i am doing is really simple.
It wasn't mocking, somehow i felt encouraged.
He showed me a grain of sand, and said He used maths to craft that grain out.

The amazing thing about the maths He uses is that there is never a constant formula.
Every tree, every grain, every human being, every creation of His, follows a formula which has a million variables.

Imagine, God has composed formula for your hair, the number of strands, at a particular day, the texture, the length of each strand, etc etc etc...And the beauty is no single human on this earth holds the same solution as you. You are the solution, the answer to an amazingly long maths equation. You are the abstraction, figure behind the = sign.

Imagine, God added up every single formula together and call it one, His creation is now made complete, you are His creation, wonderfully and fearfully made. Yes, the maths involved made it fearful. We haven even started on chemical bonding and biological terminology involved in the making of you.
Then next, He would sum other formulas up, which is your family members and craft His perfect plan for you.
Imagine, one single mistake in any of the unending equations.
Just one mistake, is enough to offset the entire universe, because one mistake proves that God is flawed, and He isnt.
Imagine God forgot to install the second lung in your body.
Even if He does, He will create some remedy to it.
Like the C behind an integration.
Like the figure to complete the complete the square formula.

Oh the maths involved in your heartbeat.
Oh the maths involved in the number of skin cells you shed, the calories you burn each day, the strength for your teeth to keep chewing till you die.
Imagine God gave flawed teeth, that would drop off at the age of 20 due to depreciation and too much grinding on the teeth.
God planned it all.
Guess thats why we never fully comprehend His plan, because our eyes are just way too small to see from one end of the equation to the other.

And if we would write love poetry to those we love, count the number of love poems God wrote for you.
The languages He wrote in.
Oh He sure is busy.
This is just enough to blow me away.

That simple insight made me feel that the maths i battle now is like an ant meeting a giant.

Forgive the lousy personifications, tasteless metaphors and not so bad visual imagery.
I love the imagination God gave me.

God, "Son, you are smart."
Me, "But God You are the one who gave me the brain, so in the end You are the smart one."
God, "I may have given you a brain, but you are the one who utilised it."
Me, [Speechless]


I guess i still smile because i allowed God to draw it on my face.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Traveling around the world helps us remember the world can be a rather interesting place, yet making a difference to the world helps the world remember who we are.

Those who are remembered are those who made that difference.


I still have work to rush, even though i kept doing work through CNY celebrations.
I still have reasons to smile, because i am listening to something positive.

Keep smiling, everything is fine
All my worries melt to the sky and gone


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

Mug on!

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

If only i have a room like this one.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

If we are all along more than who we are.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Music is chewing gum for the ears.


1000% formula.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

This is
My Lit teacher for last year.

The cow suit gave him different interesting angles for the various poems we analysed.

[Caption unavailable]

I have no idea how the next two shots are taken.

This is

and he is



I have a strong inkling that my current econs teacher, and last years maths teacher are both christians.

I thank God for the 'Platform' to burst into a nice size of 19, as we gathered in the name of Jesus.


CNY celebrations

Look at natalie, girl on far right.
There are only 3 guys admist 15 girls for my class.

Yes, i am contented with my class.

Candice: Mm...what is Joey doing ah?


I got locked out of house today, cause i changed bag and forgot to bring keys.

Pastor Dnaiel played frisbee with edwin and i today.


God, "If there is only one line that you will ever hear from me, that will be, 'I love you, more than life.' and if there is a second line, it will be, 'I'll take you back, no matter the price.' "

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I wonder if i will ask for more.


When we sin, God seems to be silent, as if He isnt there.
Thats not exactly the case, because He prefers to avoid sin, but does not shun away from sin.
We usually think that God is absent in sin, or while we sin, but doesnt He have victory over sin?


I wrote this down yesterday on a post it...

Enjoy life, Enjoy studying.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

If God is in the picture and you entrust Him your all, than nothing can go wrong, right?
Since everything is in His hands, and His plan is perfect, technically from His perspective, nothing went wrong, it went perfect since it is a perfect plan.


If Jesus Christ is the truth, then what He says, will definitely come true.


As the days go by, the dream gets more and more plausible.

Thanks for the encouragement little sis!


It was nice to sit in pastor daniel s car and have a chat with him.
He said there was once when YI grew from 400 to 600 in 2 months.
It was perpetually insane!
I am wrong to say that current attendance is 700, its more than that.
Service 2 just had another 70 added into their numbers from last month till now.
We have utilised 98% of the chairs.

Megalife knew about nubian gents because pastor daniel introduced nubian gents to megalife.

I think pastor daniel is doing something rather revolutionary and unprecedented.
To have the vision of growing up together, getting married together, having kids together.

God i know You'll take care of Your children, so i pray, by your gracious timing, let pastor daniel find a MUCH BIGGER place for YI ministry.


One quote i learnt from today's sermon.

What is difficult we do immediately,
what is impossible will take a while longer.


This is our God.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I hearby sit and blog on a computer that sits on a new table, which will be my study table.
So the new table came.
God created it.
Cause Jesus was a carpenter!
Made it just for me!


I love my room.
Its filled with post its.
One says, "Place Bag Here."
Another says, "The day is as exciting as you want it to be."
Yet another, "Always appreciate!"
The post its 'epidemic' will grow!


I made it through the first week of JC2.
I thank God for that because...
I had to sit for 2 exam papers this week.
One ended at 730pm, and the next day, the next paper.
Tutorials to be expected in class as usual.
In short, I was like...___

I earned myself a slight flu.
I sent out an sms, after which i felt better because as i conjured the message, filled with difficulties, the last line held one simple truth...
I have Jesus!
That changed my attitude for the day.
I knew by faith it was possible to overcome it.

Yes chai, I am more than a conqueror.
Yes nat, ke3 yi3 de4.
Yes Zhong Hua, The King invites me to rest, how can i turn it down?
I was listening to Him whisper those simple reminders and pushing me on.


To Daddy King,
For all those reminders on my academics, thanks.
And for making me feel so assured,
that straight A s is more than plausible, thanks too.
Thanks for blessing me with such interesting and motivating teachers.



I am already feeling 19.


I wonder if people would just say sorry.
Even if they no longer feel they are in debt to the person they offended,
would they lay it all down and say sorry,
just to set the other person free?


A lot of times when we become God - conscious somewhere in the middle of our day,
we suddenly ask God, where are you?
It was as if, there was none of His presence in your life at that point of time.
But God reminded me it was never about emotions, it was all about faith.
I trusted Him to be there, and wa la, He was there.
I don't know if this is theological and psychological correct, but...
i guess when we have the faith, we believe, and when we believe, God 'becomes' there, and we just feel it, because our faith led us to feel Him.

Find your faith, and then
you will find Him.


Since God is our daddy, Ha has His own way of expressing His love to His children.
Like every dad on earth.
Every different child of His, He shows and asks for love in different ways.

I felt Him pat my head quite a few times this week.
It felt good.

It can be an area you would like to discover with God, might just make your walk with Him so much more interesting.


[How can we not be moved in the area of justice and yet call ourselves worshipers?]

I keep thinking of traveling overseas, seeing the world, being somewhere else and doing something else besides studying.
Like, how would life be if i was in ___ now?
What if i was working now?
What if i had a girlfriend now?
The possibilities were infinite.
But, when you lean close enough to hear God's heartbeat,
all of those self interests get stripped away...
He said, "What about those kids in Africa?"
He quickly flash pass one of those pictures of an African kid...whose belly was way too big...whose eyes pleads for food...whose hand holds on to his only possession...his little sister...who is not clothed...not educated...works as cheap labour...who might not have parents...lost to war and suffering... ...

How can i travel the world, yet leave those who live in poverty to suffer all alone?
What if i made that difference to them, and helped them see a world they might never get to see in their life if not for someone making that decision to help them.
Suddenly, what mattered more was to bring smiles to those who needs it more than me.
Those suffering somewhere else.

Help that kid see what you see.
See that there still is beauty in this world.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I love it when You're in the wind.

Each day just gets better with You.


Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

This voice that spoke to you one day before school, will be the same voice that will speak to you the day after A levels.


I am surprised i am looking forward to the end of A levels.
Guess i lived long enough to see what comes after A levels.

And anyway, its something i can give glory to God in.
For The King.


I will spend one day clearing my facebook, and reading every single email.


Car s present is next!

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Chris Garner was sure a positive man.

Even at his lowest, with no roof over his and his son's head, he still imagined that there is something better tomorrow.

Chris Garner sure fought hard for his dream.
Even with 21.33 dollars left in his bank account, he still did not lose hope.

One thing was consistent, he kept asking his son to trust him.

Likewise our heavenly daddy asks us daily if we trust Him.
Even at your lowest, with no roof over your head, no certainty of food tonight, your belongings reduced to just a bag, a toy, and a basketball and the clothes you are wearing,
Will you still trust Him?

God will never let you go, just like Chris Garner who refused to let his son (Christopher) be taken care by Christopher's mum.

"I trust you."

Pursuit of Happyness

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

If you do not let go of the past, you will never embrace the future.


One day in the future, i will sit on a bigger bed, using another laptop.
That day i will most probably have a wife, a career, and kids.

One thing remains constant, time moves on.
Time allows us to resolve our past.
Yet how we use time is all together another thing.

The older i grow the more friends i lose.
The more acquaintances i make.
The more valuable some friends become.

In some other nation, they judge your wealth by the number of friends you have.
I guess they would most probably see us, urban dwellers, as friendship poverty stricken.
We are usually too busy to consistently meet our friends at least once every week.
Some of us are near bankrupt.
I find myself questioning, how close is close?
For those whom i consider close do they consider me close too?
One remedy.
God s always the closest.
Problem solved.


For those promised outings that were supposed to happen and yet did not, i wonder why so.
For those friendships i thought there was more to it yet it seems to have crumbled, i will trust it in God's hands.
I wonder how many people view their friends more valuable than their possessions and career.

I thank God that time is consistent.
I thank God the grass and trees remain green and not turn pink.


School s starting, i am not totally prepared, and i am sure looking forward to the end of A s.
I am looking forward to what i can do after A s.

I want a table now.
I need a table soon.


Some nations consider water as a luxury.
How fortunate are we.

One out of three in this world live under 2 US dollar a day.
Yet most of us do nothing to make their lives better.
And we can whine over someone else having more wealth than us.

Discontentment plagues us as well.
We are contentment poverty stricken too.

Click on this.
Fight poverty.

How can we call ourselves worshipers and not be moved in the area of justice?


No matter how angry a person can get, there is still capacity within that person to love.


Sister in law in maybe 2 years?
Just speculating.


Be quick to give mercy, and not judge.


Everyday is an opportunity to love.
Live well.


If God is not in my life,
this life is not worth living.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Jesus spoke out of love, not out of authority.

Let us as leaders, not forget this simple principle and concept.
Let us as a church, remember we are held together not by authority, but by love.
Let us as brothers and sisters in Christ bear this in mind, if you love enough to rebuke in love, do so at the right time.

Dont wait till you are a leader to speak into someone else s life just because you are publicly acknowledged and enabled to do so.
If God has asked you to deliver that word, do so, even if it seems awkward, weird, your reputation at risk, you risk losing a friend, nothing of this sort can beat what Jesus went through for you.

Jesus never came down to earth because He wanted to rebuke the pharisees, He came down because He loved them too much.
Jesus did speak out of authority, but His authority was first and foremost built on love, not on societal acknowledgment.

The focus is not on who is standing on the pulpit preaching, the focus should be on the One who ordained that preacher.
As much as God ordained the preacher, God ordains His people to do His will.
God s work is definitely not limited to the pulpit and the leadership.

The words Jesus spoke has so much weight and value not simply because He is God, but because He is God and died out of love for us.

For a youth ministry which i personally feel is too obsessed with leadership style, keep in mind, Jesus did it all first and foremost out of love, not out of authority.


Accountability and trust was gained because Jesus was transparent with His disciples.
He shared everything He knew with His disciples.

Jesus always answered His disciples when they asked about the parables He spoke.
Transparent leaders?

Keep in mind, we are first and foremost Christians, Christ ambassadors, not leaders.

The one mentoring session that stood out among the rest, was when my leader threw out all his downfalls during that time.
I will never forget how much he trusted me to keep his darkest secrets.
He made himself vulnerable, and totally transparent.
He assured me, it is fine to tell him how imperfect i am, because he too is imperfect.
He made it clear, we as leaders struggle too, you are not alone.
And it is when we are transparent, we approach the throne of God with confidence.
There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus.

When you are transparent with yourself, you face reality again, i am imperfect, but Jesus is perfect, and that is a very good reason to need Jesus in your life.


Without love, no authority is established or able to last.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I've just moved.
Today will be the fourth night i am sleeping on this bed.

I'm loving my room and my bed.
My new house is still currently without a washing machine and a telephone line.
It will be here and up soon.

I'm loving my cell more and more each week.
It is really starting to feel literally like a family.
I actually prefer to stick together as a cell through the years, regardless if we moved on in life.
For once i actually have dreams for my cell.
And those dreams feel alive and possible.

More photos together as a cell.
Regular cell dinner and outings.
Initiative cell.
Transparent cell.

God be the dad over this spiritual family.
Make this family one that knows each other so so well.


"Have confidence in Me, son."

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Joey Just Wants

God to be in his life

Links (Entities)

*Abby Cheng
*Adam Aw
*Alex Lam
*Amanda Teo
*Cheryl Tan
*Cheryl Llim
*Charmaine cheang
*Eunice Lim
*Evan Ong
*Geraldine Chang
*Hao Sheng
*Hui Ting
*Jolynn Wong
*Jolyn Lim
*Jolyne Tan
*Joshua Sho
*Khong Sheng

Pete Tong
*Rachel Chai
*Rachel Chong
*Rachael Lim
*Rachel Yong
*Rui Kang
*Stacey Kho
*Natalie Yeo
*Wei Ming
*Vanessa Tan
*Yuen Yee
*Yuen Yee *New
*Ian's Flickr
*Esther's Flickr
*Misplaced Friend
*I Wrote This For You
*Smiles in Poverty
*Vintage, Music and Photos

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Time Frames Transcending Beyond This Current Moment

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Take control of the atmosphere
Take me far away from here
There is no better loss than to lose myself in you
In a parachute to glide, I am captive in your sky
Surrender has somehow become so beautiful

Its such a beautiful surrender

Move me up through the darkest clouds
Till I've lost in the sun every shadow of doubt
There is no better find than to find myself with you
In a fog you are all I see
I'm inviting you closer with each time I breathe
Surrender has somehow become so beautiful