I met 3 relatives while i was on the way to meet Gerry and while with her.
Was really fun, we talked so much about God and issues.
Authenticity in Christianity.

Importance of being Ernest, Sat.
Was exactly how the script was word for word from the playwright.
I love the stage settings.

'I Am Sam' is a splendid show.
No one has the right to tear a love apart just because of a lack of intellectual capacity.
The truth is, love does not come from the brain, it comes from the heart, that is it.


The very thing that makes you perfect, is that you are imperfect.
Christians are humans too = they are imperfect too.

Many Christians fail to even achieve this very first step.
  1. Deny yourself.
  2. Pick up your cross.
  3. Follow Jesus.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Block test this week.

Wednesday - Chem paper ended. Lit paper on thursday.

Joey to Jill: We are wasting our time to slack!
Jill in reply: Wasting slacking time.

We walked one big round out from main gate, when the side gate was opened. How retarded was that. One big round = 400 metres longer?

I met thia to watch Marley and Me.
Absolutely love it.
I was somewhat reminded of Elizabeth Town.
Loved it more.


Today i reached school at 1, thinking that lit paper starts at 2.
I ate my lunch, and attempted to find my lit friends again.
I received information from Khong Sheng that the rest went for the paper already.
I went around exploring, and mmhmm, the paper started at 1 instead, and would end at 2.

I sat down at my seat at 1.28.
Started on my essay at 1.34.
At 1.44, i realised the question asked for language and style, so i have to mention diction.
At 1.52, i realised poem A was on war.
At 1.57, i started my conclusion.
At 2.00, my hand stop wielding my pen.

I churned out 2 pages and 1 one line.
I actually surpassed some of my classmates in length.
Hoping for a C.

After which off to lan with Khong Sheng, Candice and Wayne.
Played Left for Dead for the first time.
Was really fun.
Woot, i also watched Employee of the month last night, and most probably would watch one more movie later? Even though i have maths tutorial to do.
Little Miss Sunshine maybe?


I used to think that no one understands.
Not a single person, because they weren't me.
Now that i strolled further in this park of life, i think otherwise.

We understand, at least vaguely, the question is if you are willing to believe us who claim that we understand.
Simply because, we cant prove if we understand or not.
It is up to you to believe.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Let me be reminded.
I am significant.
I do not have to measure myself with anyone, or anything else.
Because God measured me, and He called me significant.
Wonderfully and fearfully made.

Let not what God created be called insignificant, because what He creates, is only significant.


Apologies ring louder than offenses.


Joey is currently dreaming of cakes.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

On a side note, my brother wrote this as his personal message
Man u 1-0 down. one man down

For some of the photos i really really love.

Monday - Abel and Chai crashed my house
Fret not, my house is still in one piece.

Abel was pretending to be bored.

Abel got punched.

My current wall.
The two purple post its are Chai's

Remember this cute looking face.

Monday in school

Fi Fi.
I like taking cute people, because they make the photo cute.


I took this picture for the gradients.

With that light i took these pictures.

Life and the black coils accompanying it.

The ellipsis denotes the ____ attitude towards life.

Wednesday - Cell outing at sentosa
Everyone was peeling their skin in church today.

I thought it was difficult to get the shots, the sun was extremely harsh.

Hui Wen and the bunch of people in the background.

Xiao Ye...feeling the wind.

An Yu...was...

Zhong Hua's ah beng pose.

Check out xing yu's hair, the wind was tremendously strong.

A fraction of the cell.

They placed Seaweed in this bottle they found on the shore.

Thursday - Photo outing, Night shoot
And Jessie went home before the sun set. Rights...

Camera warfare.

Jessie hides.


The two better shots of the entire night

Gavin s right, after trying night photography, i appreciated daylight photography so much more.
Night photography is difficult for first timers.
But being able to produce a simple shot like the one above, i must say i am contented.

Friday - Settled Christmas presents for two of my dearest friends

Ordinary subjects, yet the contrast was somehow brought out.

My locker.

Locks locking lockers.

The spongebob birthday balloon which sang up to 50 happy birthdays.
It starts singing every time it hits something, or something hits it.

In honour of the camera bag.

I still had difficulty with the focus, but my composition was starting to pay off.

Nat has been one of the best friends to take pictures of.
She never hides, and it just looks so natural.

AND she can churn up faces just like that.

I am pleasantly surprise how well this photo turned out.
There is so much story and depth to this.
It sets me off musing.

When we (Chai, Nat and I) were at Ian's place, I started on Nat's chair

Yup, her present came in the form of an Ikea chair.

I gave you your nice cute jar, with words that gold cant buy, so please dont complain okays?
It is okay, you are still as cute.

The post its on her chair.
It read: My Chair, Uniquely Mine. God

The lamest letter i ever wrote.
If you look carefully, the smiley face was ruined by the smudging of white ink.


Thanks Ian for lending the camera.
Thanks a lot.
Learnt quite a lot on photography.


My ulcer is big.


Some of the words i gave Chai were these...
Two words on a piece of paper. One on each side.
Its written in order, and the basic rules were,
keep it open, deviate, and dont think too much.

Radical. Death.

Impossible. Love.

Milk. Jesus drank this.

Train. Home.

Garden. For us.

Take. __ .

I did not know what to fill in for the word Take, so i decided to keep it open, ___
That was the beauty.
The word garden was my favourite.
Garden of Eden and Garden of Gethsemane.
Both Gardens epitomises sin and portray human at their most fragile states.


Garden. For us.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Last Sat - Econs seminar + Cell dinner till 11pm

Last Sunday - Mini wedding lunch. Lost my chem notes here :( Slack + arranging room

Last Monday - Chem remedial + supposed to arrange com stuff and design room. Did both, abel crashed my house and so did chai.

Last Tuesday - Chem remedial + Study outing with chai + Met Adam for dinner and went over to mosiac festival

Last Wednesday (Yesterday) - Cell outing at sentosa, Met car to mug for less than an hour

Today - Meeting Thia for lunch and then head to museum + Meeting Jessie and Gavin for photo outing at town.

Tomorrow - Chem remedial + Whole day with Nat Yeo :)

Saturday - Church and church

Sudnay - Maths tuition + Thia s birthday celebration

Monday - Block test starts.

Lets review this again, oh i have no free day to study.
Amazing that i still manage to read through my organic chem notes approximately 3 - 4 times, and econs notes at least twice, inclusive of year 1 stuff.

Shrink learning seriously works.
Now i understand why Abel said he could complete organic chem notes in one hour.

This post was formulated within the short span of 5 minutes.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Fiction just have to make sense.
Fact doesn't have to make sense, it will still be accepted anyway.


I went to mosiac festival, performance hopped.


I will let the photos speak.

My niece.

My post its on my wall.

Econs seminar

The red sleeper.

The outstanding balloon from NTU open house.

Signs of boredom.

The zzz monster invades her paper.

Thinking...about life.


One day i want to talk with a friend till the sun sets.
Take pictures before the sun sets.

I used to have this idea of eating both lunch and dinner at the same restaurant, without leaving it.
Talk with a group of friends for hours on end, in that special restaurant.
The best setting will be when it is raining.

I have this crazy idea of studying in the airport for 50 hours.
Rule: I cant leave airport till the 50 hours are up.
Bathe, sleep and food will all be done in airport.

I started designing my room.


Cell outing at sentosa in less than 10 hours time.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine


CREATIVE CALL / CONVOCATORIA from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo.

For a short twenty seconds.
It is simply amazing.
Aspiring to design something near that quality one day.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

This is the day to smile.


I wonder who will turn up at my dad's funeral.
I wonder about the people he has impacted, changed and helped, with the help of God.
I wonder how those ex-convicts he ministered to look like, and how they are doing.
This much i do not know about my dad.
But one thing is sure, i am proud of him.


Holidays are coming.
Mugging festival is starting.
It will most probably be a blast next week.
The amount i want to achieve in one week seems impossible.
But i sure will smile and have fun while trying.

I want to hold my Daddy's hand again.
It s been a while since i REALLY REALLY talk to Him for good.

I will embrace the skies with Him.


Block test begins tomorrow.
Opponent: GP, Paper 2
Comments on tomorrow's competitor: Slightly confident, put in a lot of practice. Aiming for a B.


I have a H1 classmate who hosts the schools nationals on Channel 5 every week.


I am so looking forward to hols.
Break from the cycle.

This is the day to smile.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

A SHORT LOVE STORY IN STOP MOTION from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo.

We used to say how we will never lose this friendship no matter what.
Yet it still happened.
Isn't it all the same with us?

This is not lamentation, it is sentimentalism.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

We were playing a game in cell, and one of the questions went like this...
If you can be anyone in this world, who will you be?
Some said Obama, others said Bill gates.
My cell leader thought for a while
and said

How apt.
I did copy his answer too.

We shared about the issue of fellowship.
My cell leader came up with a box of subway cookies, i gasped.
Many of my cell members did too.
But as we opened the box, looked at each other's faces, we knew there wasnt enough for everyone to have one.
So we started sharing, 1 cookie for every 2 persons.
After we were done with the first box, he said,
"This is fellowship, all of you shared, and because of that, God will give you more."
He took out another box. This time, the cookies were nearly overflowing.
My mouth dropped, hung there for a good half minute, and then i said, "2 boxes and 5 cookies."
Indeed God gives more when we start sharing.
He multiplies the love, joy and utility derived from sharing.
Imagine the first person to receive the basket of 5 loaves and 2 fishes hogged the basket, it will never multiply would it?
Since he would have finished everything at one go.

I give my tithes once every month, for the entire month.
So there would be three weeks when i do not tithe.
Every time i held that empty envelope, God did say,
"It is okay, in that envelope is your love for Me, and My love for you."
I could only smile.

I am glad i am starting to feel the urge to bring those dear at heart to Christ, those near and ready to enter the gates of heaven.
I need to pray more for them.
But i am glad, because i see many open doors.
And i guess, God is glad that i am responding.
Interesting that God is using Masterlife to do more than i thought it would.

I need to start my arty bit again.
I change the lives around me bit by bit when i keep using words to impact people.
Youth Impact - Start living it out.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Animated stop motion

I thought this was really interesting.

Time warp

I didnt really like the music, even though its apt.
But i love the skating bit and the first one.

Another stop motion

Its quite a nice interpretation of the objects they used as cooking materials.
Like money plant, and dice for sugar cubes.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

I have been dreaming of going airport.
It wont happen tomorrow.
I hope i get to share this precious smile, with someone close.

The longer this delays, the wider my smile gets when i set foot again, at my favourite place.


I told myself to get back to work at 11.30pm, it is currently 11.45pm.

I extended my own break so that i can touch humanity.
I want to feel human again.

To feel the verve to dream again.
To believe that i can create beauty with my own hands.
To proclaim that i am alive.


Take time to think this over.

I am me.
Are you, you?

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

It doesn't matter how much we have to do each day, or how many hours of sleep we get.
As long as we hold our Daddy's hand, and listen to Him whisper into our ears and heart, it is more than enough.

Everyday is a chance to hold Daddy's hand.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

An absolutely beautiful photo.
The epitome of escapism.

I wish i could do what she did.
I could only resort to dreaming for the moment.
Yet, it is just for the moment.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

These are the activities lined up for Joey tonight and this week:
  1. Joey has 3 - 4 PCs to annotate. [Approximately 6 - 8 poems to compare and contrast.]
  2. 1 PC essay to finish by Friday.
  3. Chemistry tutorial and power point slides, just a little more to completion.
  4. Econs case studies and Essays.
  5. A chemistry A level Spa that he has yet to study.
  6. Court shoes to prepare for emceeing tomorrow.
  7. An emcee script he forgot to take from the teach s pigeon hole.
  8. An NMA camp which he isnt informed. Due to the absence of a gmail NMA account.
Which means he would not be revising tonight, and not preparing the cue cards.
He should have done the admin for changing CCA, but is thinking otherwise, since he is quite sure he would meet objections along the way.

PE would be tomorrow's first period.
After which LESS THAN half an hour OF break to cool down, bathe, and eat!
It is definitely not enough.
And following that, 4 hours of straight lessons.
Then a last push for chem spa right after 4 lessons.
Maybe a few minutes to run to the canteen before chem spa starts to grab something insignificant in size, yet significant in value to eat.
And rush off to chem spa.
Ops, let me stress, A level Chem Spa.
After chem spa is done.
Emcee training to run to, this is where the authoritarian rule kicks in.
Joey would receive much scrutiny for all the mistakes he makes, they are countless.
Till now he is unable to justify why did the teachers claim that his voice is sweet.
[I am fine if i don't do the opening ceremony, i am sure there are better ones in my group.]
And he finally gets to breathe after emcee training is done.
Hence it is approximately mad rushing from...7.30am to 5.30 pm?
That is 10 hours.
With less than half an hour break to complete the necessary.
Bathe and eat.
Usually only one is achieved, if both are achieved it is at the cost of being late for lesson.

Why does each passing Wednesday gets tougher?
And each passing Tuesday night get more and more horrifically disgusting?

Yet i am sure, there were tougher days for other humans somewhere else in the world.

I am taking one day at a time.
Each day is a day nearer to march holidays, a break away from routine.
And when block test arrives, i will go play!

Holiday - Boys like girls


I may face Goliath(s).
I may have 5 stones.
But victory is already mine.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

A few days ago, it was the anniversary of Mas Selemat's Great Escape.
Who actually remembered?
I guess 911, SARS, Tsunami, Si Chuan earthquake seemed so distant even though they were major events a few years back, weren't they?

Exactly, Life goes on.


[Pre service prayer, A cell mate's prayer for me]
God i pray that even though Joey may face Goliath s in his life, let him be reminded, You are on his side.

Indeed i will be reminded.


I will soon embrace the sweet ravish from an organic chemistry chapter called synthesis.

It is a compilation across every organic chemistry chapter into one question.
Ops, i mean i will be facing, 245 power point slides of 'synthesis' questions.
Ops, i mean across any chapter in chemistry, because in the end chemistry is simply a chemical reaction, and everything i learnt always hold this in regard, so anything could be asked.
Ops, they are prelim questions, which means i am tackling the gays and lesbians in the paper, since i will be ravished.

It will take me approximately 5 days to complete copying with understanding.
It will take Mr lim 12 hours to finish going through it. [He said it]

I cant agree more.

There are days when i look upon the retainees with eyes of envy.
Oh yes, envy.

And so far, MJ's question has this particular style and it fits this one word.
Cunning, Deceiving, Disturbing, Distorting.
Sorry that is one word starting with the letter C.
Mr lim actually took 10 minutes to explain one MCQ from MJC.

VJC and TJC are imbalanced at certain occasions.
HCI and RJC are just out of the world at times, but surprisingly rather merciful as well compared to the above 3 JCs.
JJC is the only sane JC out there.
The rest are corrupted in some way or other.

Oh this is just chemistry.


Jill said this to me last year, 'If you cant take the stress in JC, then you are not fit for the curriculum.' It sounded detached and to a slight extent mean then.
Now it is just, plain realistic.

JC is easily 3 times more difficult than O levels.

Monday was the day i end latest, yet i reached home the earliest in the weekdays.
I reached home at 6 plus.


I have God on my side.
This is only one Goliath, more WILL come.

God reminded me of the warrior in the bible who took down [if i am not wrong 800 soldiers single handlely, with a jawbone of some animal, might be Samson, and he almost died of thirst, the jawbone actually stuck to his hand when he finish killing them.]
I think i rather be in my position than to face 800 potential threats to annihilate like him.


I am counting on God.

Scintillate, Sparkle, Shine

Joey Just Wants

God to be in his life

Links (Entities)

*Abby Cheng
*Adam Aw
*Alex Lam
*Amanda Teo
*Cheryl Tan
*Cheryl Llim
*Charmaine cheang
*Eunice Lim
*Evan Ong
*Geraldine Chang
*Hao Sheng
*Hui Ting
*Jolynn Wong
*Jolyn Lim
*Jolyne Tan
*Joshua Sho
*Khong Sheng

Pete Tong
*Rachel Chai
*Rachel Chong
*Rachael Lim
*Rachel Yong
*Rui Kang
*Stacey Kho
*Natalie Yeo
*Wei Ming
*Vanessa Tan
*Yuen Yee
*Yuen Yee *New
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Take control of the atmosphere
Take me far away from here
There is no better loss than to lose myself in you
In a parachute to glide, I am captive in your sky
Surrender has somehow become so beautiful

Its such a beautiful surrender

Move me up through the darkest clouds
Till I've lost in the sun every shadow of doubt
There is no better find than to find myself with you
In a fog you are all I see
I'm inviting you closer with each time I breathe
Surrender has somehow become so beautiful